In menu section of our site you may find all dishes available in our restaurant with a detailed description and their cost.
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In Specials section you may find all the daily and other specials our restaurant offers..
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In this section you may find how to contact with us and reserve a table online.
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Our Story
Family owned and operated in Burlington. we at Sakis Greek Restaurant are still proudly providing our customers with quality home-style food every day.
Sakis Greek Restaurant was opened in January 2016 by Chef Sakis with the help of his family. With Sakis restaurant the food could challenge and inspire you, but in a relaxed atmosphere where you could find an eclectic list of foods not offered anywhere else.
Sakis Restaurant is a best place to visit especially if you want to indulge your taste buds in something rich.
The contemporary menu at Sepia is unique utilising the best of seasonal produce and drawing inspiration from Greece
Restaurant's Fine Dishes
Best Dinning experience i have ever had in Burlington
Great delicious food. It reminded me of the actual Greek food I had experienced when I was in Greece. I recommend this place very much.
Staf were very friendly. The restaurant is very clean and make you hungry. The food (Chicken Gyro) I had was absolutely delicious. I will definitely be going back!
I loved the atmosphere and the food was very good. And what inspired me was the cleanliness of the place and food.